Lava flow on the Big Island

March 16, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

"Full Moon Flow""Full Moon Flow"


Photographing the lava flow from the active volcano - Killauea was the experience of a lifetime.  It is not easy to get to. The trek involves miles of biking and hiking, but once there.. is worth the effort.  We left Kona at 11pm and made our way to the south side of the island. You are only allowed to go so far in a vehicle as the land becomes privately owned. We pulled the bikes out of the back of our pick-up and continued as far as we could. Once we reached the lava beds, travel by foot was the only way we were able to continue on. The hardened lava is tricky to hike on, footing is everything. Once a very "approachable" location, ropes have been put into place to keep visitors a safe distance back. Prior to my trip, a "shelf collapse" had occurred, sending acres of new land back into the sea. All of the effort was well worth it when this full moon scene unfolded before our eyes. What an incredible thing to see in person, I am already planning my return trip to the Big Island !



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